제휴하기 TYPE Select the type of partnership In-app Game servicesNew game developmentetc. E-mail Address Company Name Homepage Full Name Phone Number Subject Content Attachment Find a file * Only 1 file can be uploaded. Maximum upload file size: 10MB (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, hwp, docx, pdf, avi, mp4, mkv, mov, zip, doc) Privacy Policy GameN values your Privacy Policy. The Information We Collect : E-mail, Homepage, Name, Phone Number, Attachment. How We Use This Information : Identify users, Provide customer service. How Long We Keep This Information : It shall be Kept for 3 years or 5 years from the date of consultation in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce. All other things are in accordance with the privacy policy. I agree CAPTCHA 2951